This individual is not contagious. But he does have a serious case of Parinaud's cat scratch fever. We shared this photo with you to help you understand not all cases of red eyes are due to dryness, "pink eye," or simple common bacterial infections.
If your eye is red for more than a day, please give us a call to schedule an appointment. If you have loss of vision, pain or light sensitivity, especially if you are a contact lens wearer, it could be a vision threatening problem. This should be evaluated immediately by an optometrist or ophthalmologist, rather than your primary care physician.
Whether the cause is age-related, rheumatoid arthritis, ocular rosacea, blepharitis, dysthyroid, or other rheumatological disease, dry eyes can negatively affect your vision and quality of life. We work hard to determine the cause, quality and extent of your dry eye problem. With this knowledge, we can offer more effective treatment options to improve your problem.
Dr. Bollenbacher & Associates
2525 Arapahoe Ave, Unit E23
Boulder, CO 80302
Fax: (303) 413-9421
Save some time at your appointment! Just fill out the following patient information form in advance and bring it along with you or email it to us prior to your next appointment:
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